WSA2023 - International
Workshop on Survival Analysis

and related procedures

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of SiDOR Research Group
Vigo, November 30 and December 1, 2023

Supported by: Grant PID2020-118101GB-I00, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033); and Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade, Xunta de Galicia, expediente ED431C 2020/03.
Survival Analysis is one of the key research areas of SiDOR research group. Along the years this Galician team has introduced many statistical methods to deal with survival data. Topics include: non-standard censoring and truncation models, length-biased data, multi-state models, goodness-of-fit tests, resampling procedures, semiparametric methods, smoothing techniques and many others. This workshop celebrates all these contributions, on the occasion of the 25h anniversary of the group. Recent advances in the field will be presented by a number of leading researchers from several universities, within an international programme that will mix keynote talks and contributed presentations.

Organized by: – Department of Statistics and OR and SiDOR Research Group, University of Vigo
Where: Graduates Hall, Faculty of Economics, Vigo - Spain

Keynote speakers

Per Kragh Andersen - University of Copenhagen
"Multi-state models for recurrent events"

Wenceslao González Manteiga - Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
"25 years (of my academic life) of specification tests for regression models in Survival Analysis"

Amalia Jácome Pumar - Universidade de A Coruña
"Mixture Cure Models: some recent extensions and a new challenging goal"

María Dolores Martínez Miranda - Universidad de Granada
"Monitoring a developing pandemic with available data"

Luís Meira Machado - Universidade do Minho
"Challenges and strategies for analyzing complex survival data"

María del Carmen Pardo Llorente - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
"Non-proportional hazard: how to analyze the time-to-event outcomes in clinical trials?"

Jacobo de Uña Álvarez - Universidade de Vigo
"The Efron-Petrosian estimator"

Noël Veraverbeke - University of Hasselt
"Bivariate censoring models with covariates"

Abstract submission

A limited number of contributed presentations will be allowed. PhD students and early-stage researchers are particularly welcome. The deadline for abstract submission is November 15, 2023. Send your abstract to before the deadline!

LaTeX template


The participation in the workshop is free of charge and open to any national and international participants. However, registration is compulsory for organizational reasons. If you intend to come to the workshop, send an e-mail to before November 15, 2023. EXTENDED DEADLINE: November 17, 2023


Thursday November 30:

09:45 Opening ceremony

10:00 "25 years (of my academic life) of specification tests for regression models in Survival Analysis" Wenceslao González Manteiga

10:45 "Bivariate censoring models with covariates" Noël Veraverbeke

11:30 Coffee break

12:00 "Multi-state models for recurrent events" Per Kragh Andersen

Young researchers, Session 1:
12:45 Leire Garmendia Bergés: "On the performance of time-dependent AUC estimators for survival and competing risks models"
13:05 Andrea Toloba: "Interval-censored regressors driven by limits of detection and quantification within a generalized linear model"

13:25 Lunch break

15:00 "Monitoring a developing pandemic with available data" María Dolores Martínez Miranda

15:45 "Challenges and strategies for analyzing complex survival data" Luís Meira Machado

Friday December 1:

10:00 "The Efron-Petrosian estimator" Jacobo de Uña Álvarez

10:45 "Non-proportional hazard: how to analyze the time-to-event outcomes in clinical trials?" María del Carmen Pardo Llorente

11:30 Coffee break

Young researchers, Session 2:
12:00 Adrián Lago: "A density-based test for the k-sample problem with left-truncated data"
12:20 María Vidal García: "Advances in goodness-of-fit tests based on energy statistics for right censored data"
12:40 Carlos García Meixide: "Causal survival embeddings: non-parametric counterfactual inference under censoring"

13:00 "Mixture Cure Models: some recent extensions and a new challenging goal" Amalia Jácome Pumar

13:45 Lunch break and farewell

Organizing committee

Adrián Lago Balseiro

Juan Carlos Pardo Fernández

Jacobo de Uña Álvarez
